- Published on
- Tue Feb 4, 2014
EPI 6.6 - Longest contiguous increasing subarray
Problem: ¶
An array is increasing if each element is less than its succeeding element except for the last element.
Given an array A of n elements return the beginning and ending indices of a longest increasing subarray of A.
Solution: ¶
Let S[i] be the longest increasing subarray between the indexes (0,i – 1). Then:
S[i] = a,b if A[i] > A[i – 1],
i,i otherwise
where a,b = S[i – 1]
In haskell this would be:
1longest_contig_inc_subarray :: (Ord a) => [a] -> (Int, Int)
2longest_contig_inc_subarray [] = (-1, -1)
3longest_contig_inc_subarray (x:xs) = longest_contig_inc_subarray' (0, x, 0, x) xs
4 where
5 longest_contig_inc_subarray' (i,ai,j,aj) [] = (i,j)
6 longest_contig_inc_subarray' (i,ai,j,aj) (x:xs)
7 | x >= aj = longest_contig_inc_subarray' (i,ai,j + 1,x) xs
8 | otherwise = longest_contig_inc_subarray' (j + 1,x,j + 1,x) xs
A heuristic to improve the best case complexity (but does nothing in the worst case) is to realise that if the length of the longest subarray till i is L (and A[i + 1] < A[i]
– indicating an end of the longest subarray), then a larger increasing subarray must contain atleast L elements. So we only need to start with L items in front and check backwards.
The code for this is (here the start index and the length of the subarray are returned instead):
1-- Returns the size of the largest increasing "prefix" in an array
2largest_inc_prefix [] = 0
3largest_inc_prefix (x:[]) = 1
4largest_inc_prefix (x:y:xs)
5 | x = y = 1 + largest_dec_prefix (y:xs)
6 | otherwise = 1
8-- Returns the size of the largest decreasing "prefix" in an array
9largest_dec_prefix [] = 0
10largest_dec_prefix (x:[]) = 1
11largest_dec_prefix (x:y:xs)
12 | x >= y = 1 + largest_dec_prefix (y:xs)
13 | otherwise = 1
15lcisa :: (Ord a) => [a] -> (Int, Int)
16lcisa [] = (-1,-1)
17lcisa xs = lcisa' (0,1) 0 xs
18 where
19 lcisa' (start,maxlen) i [] = (start,maxlen)
20 lcisa' (start,maxlen) i xs
21 | nextlen > maxlen = lcisa' nextbest
22 (i + maxlen + inc_prefix)
23 (drop inc_prefix rest)
24 | otherwise = lcisa' (start,maxlen) (i + maxlen) rest
25 where
26 first_l = take maxlen xs
27 rest = drop maxlen xs
28 dec_prefix = largest_dec_prefix (reverse first_l)
29 inc_prefix = largest_inc_prefix rest
30 nextlen = inc_prefix + dec_prefix
31 nextbest = (i + maxlen - dec_prefix, nextlen)