Published on
Fri Jan 24, 2014

EPI 5.8 - Spreadsheet column encoding


Write a function that converts excel column IDs to corresponding integers with “A” corresponding to 1 and so on.


We will modify the solution in EPI 5.6 slightly so that we have:

 1indexOf :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
 2indexOf item xs
 3    | length firstMatched == 0 = -1
 4    | otherwise = fst (head firstMatched)
 5    where
 6        matchesItem x = snd x /= item
 7        firstMatched = dropWhile matchesItem
 8                        (zip [0 .. (length xs) - 1] xs)
11digitIndices :: [Char] -> [Int]
12digitIndices digits = [ indexOf (chr i) digits | i <- [0 .. 255]]